October 11, 2012

cruising over the sea

old picture from earlier this year

I'm off for a little mini vacation to Stockholm today. Trips seems to be the key to keep me going this year. Still lacking inspiration to blogging, I don't know if I should just quit or keep posting whenever I feel like it, which is awfully seldom nowadays. I really don't know. But for now, I'm just trying to keep it going with my life, which has already started to feel brighter... so maybe blogging will be better at sometime too? :)
Oh well.. now I'm going to shut off my mind and welcome a relaxing trip to my favorite city!

Hope you all are doing wonderful, love you! x


  1. I hear you. I have been lacking inspiration also. Have a great trip!

  2. all ur pictures look so great - i cant wait to go to scandanavia


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